First Friday Adoration at St. Patrick
At the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in July of 2024, one of the quotes that stood out to me was spoken by Damon Owens, an international speaker on faith and marriage. He said, “You cannot exhale unless you inhale, and some of y’all need to inhale.” When it comes to living out our Faith, one of the themes consistently repeated at the Congress was the need for all in the Church--clergy, lay ministers, and parishioners alike--to spend time receiving from the Lord in the Eucharist. Mass is one way in which we can accomplish this, receiving grace in offering the sacrifice of Jesus and receiving Him in Holy Communion, but there is another vehicle that can bear much fruit in tremendous ways. That vehicle is Eucharistic adoration.
It became clear at the Congress to move forward with plans to host Eucharistic Adoration on the First Fridays of the month at St. Patrick. The parish needs to offer more time for people to pray in the presence of Jesus, offering their time in intercession for their needs, the needs of their loved ones, and for the needs of the parish. We invite, encourage, and even challenge you to take seriously the words of Jesus, “Can you not keep watch with me for one hour?” (Matthew 14:37) Beginning on September 6, 2024, St. Patrick will host First Friday Adoration starting after the 8:30 am Mass and continuing until 8:30 pm where we will conclude with Benediction.
It may seem daunting to take on the task to pray for an hour. The Sign-Up Genius has half-hour increments for parishioners to commit to, but feel free to commit to an hour if you desire. First Friday Adoration has been a tradition in the Church since St. Margaret Mary Alacoque received visions from our Lord in 17th Century France. Christ made promises to those who offered First Friday Devotion, which included attending Mass, receiving Holy Communion, going to Confession and offering prayers in reparation of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Please consider participating in this wonderful ministry. Sign up below.
First Friday SignupPerpetual Eucharistic Adoration at St. John Paul II Perpetual Adoration Chapel (at Holy Spirit in Highland)
The Adoration Chapel at Church of the Holy Spirit is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You are welcome to visit and pray. The Chapel is not locked during the day when staff are working; however, after office hours it is locked with a keypad for the security of all who are visting. If you would like to enter the Chapel after the Church is locked, you will need to call 248-887-5364 for the code. This procedure is required for all to feel secure during thier time of Adoration. There is also closed circuit surveillance for your added security. There are approximately 500 peole signed up to participate in the operation of this beautiful Chapel. Someone is always present every hour on the hour! Why not make an appointment with Our Lord every week? Please prayerfully consider signing up for Adoration.
Rosary - Thursdays at 10am, 6pm and Sundays at 12pm
Divine Mercy Chaplet - EVERYDAY at 3pm
People of Joy Charismatic Pryaer - Thursday 7-9pm
Please call Jenna at 248-891-1623 or Autumn at 248-872-6607 to be added to the Adoration schedule.
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